公告| 第二波年輕族群方案心理健康支持方案 八月年輕族群的預約很快滿額,第二波的加碼今日(9月23日)開始預約,預約者將進入排序。本次心寓分配到80個人數可提供服務,行政同仁已開始聯繫之前有完成初談未能排上晤談的登記者。 有意願參與本次年輕方案的夥伴,可填寫預約單,行政同仁將去電與您進行初談,且告知目前您的排序,還請大家體諒行政同仁辛勞,與我們一起完成順利銜接晤談的歷程。 ►服務對象:15-30歲民眾,且未於其他機構使用過此方案。 "Youth Mental Health Support Program for Ages 15-30" , second reservation opportunity! Have you always wanted to talk to someone about your stress and worries, but never took action? Why not take this opportunity to sort out your long-burdened heart at XinYu. Service Target: Individuals aged 15-30 who have not used this program at other institutions. Consultation Fee: Free for the first 3 sessions, each lasting 50 minutes. Program Period: From August 1, 112 to July 31, 113 (According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare YMHSP program, Xinyu has been distributed 80 client slots. Once slots are fulfilled, the reservation will be stopped). Reservation Method: Fill out the XinYu Counseling Reservation Form below and indicate your desire to use the [Youth Group Program]. XinYu will contact you personally. Note: (1) Please present your identification card or health insurance card during the first session. (2) Minors need to be accompanied by their parents or guardians during the first counseling session. Reservation Form Link:https://docs.google.com/....../1FAIpQLS....../viewform...... If you have any further questions, Please contact Xinyu via phone 0910-080-536. 評論已關閉。